Sunday, January 22, 2012

CF check up

We had Kelsie's CF check up Friday and they were so pleased with how well she is doing. Her growth was fantastic! She weighed 21 lbs 11 oz!! And both her weight and height were at the 75th percentile. So she is still tracking along that growth curve perfectly! Since she has been doing so well, there wasn't a whole lot to say...just to keep doing what we are doing - enzymes, reflux meds, vitamins, salt, chest PT, breastmilk and table food.  At 1 year, we will increase her vitamin dosage to twice per day and add whole milk of course, but everything else will stay pretty much the same. I'm still breastfeeding so we discussed when/how to start weaning and decided to keep it up at least part of the time through spring just so I can continue to provide her with some extra immunity through this cold and flu season. And that is fine with me! I'll do whatever I need to to keep her as healthy as possible!

They also went ahead and did some blood work and an X ray. They checked her iron, vitamin levels, liver enzymes, and electrolytes. They also did their routine sputum culture by swabbing the back of her throat. They do this routinely on CF patients at every visit and thankfully, Kelsie's have been normal so far. Hopefully this one will be too.  I looked up the results of her blood work and everything looked perfect except for one liver test, alkaline phosphatase, that has been elevated the whole time. She has had it checked 3 times since birth and it has actually gone up each time. I'm nor sure what is going on there but will talk to her Dr more about it tomorrow. In the past, she hasn't really been concerned so we'll see what she thinks about it this time.

As usual, Kelsie was a trooper through the entire visit. She cried out a little for the blood draw because she was getting frustrated being held down and then didn't like the poke very much, but I was able to easily comfort her and for most of the test, she just laid there and even laughed a little bit. 

See my boo boo? It wasn't so bad.
After the blood draw, we went down for the chest Xray. They put her on the table with little supports up around her head and strapped her down so she couldn't wiggle around and distort the picture. They even pulled her arms up over her head. And we just watched in amazement because they did all that and she just laid there and didn't make a sound. The last time she had a chest xray, she was only a couple months old and asleep so she didn't even know what was happening but this time she was awake and still made it through the first Xray without even a whimper. But when they radiology techs came back in and spoke to her, she busted out crying. I think she was just scared at that point not realizing who those people were or what she was doing there. Bur it didn't last long. We were in there and able to save her within a couple of minutes. All in all...a successful and positive experience. We're so thankful that her health has been so stellar up to this point and pray for God's continued blessings.

Head to the left, cute little feet hanging out on the right. Quiet baby under all that!

1 comment:

  1. that sounds so good Kimberly! And I'm so impressed by Kelsey...Kaitlyn starts crying as soon as they put her on the scale to get her weight :-) And then continues through most of the visit.
