Monday, May 6, 2013

Don't want to miss one moment

Every day, I see Kelsie changing more and more. She is doing something new every day. Saying new words. Trying new things. Interested in everything around her. Exploring and imagining. There are so many things that are new to her and it is so fun to witness her reaction when she experiences something new. She looks upon everything with wonder and excitement. Even little things catch her attention, like a big truck passing by or a bird flying in the sky. I often forget to write things down. I just think, "oh my, this is so stinkin cute" or "wow, I cannot believe she remembered that". She amazes me every day with what she says and does and REMEMBERS. It is an absolute joy to spend time with her every day, to watch her play and learn new words and figure out how things work. Unfortunately, its easy to let the busy world get the most of our time and forget to pause and soak it all in. But I don't want to fall victim to that. I don't want to miss one moment. I've been reminded lately just how quickly this time is passing by. She won't be little forever so when she asks me to read one more story or sing to her at night or lay down beside her as she falls asleep, I'm going to be there. I'm learning to stop worrying about that fear of creating a problem and instead, just be there to love her and enjoy these extra special moments for they will soon just be a memory.

Her vocabulary is exploding every day. Her ability to name things amazes me sometimes. Yesterday she found a flashlight and said "mommy, fash-iiight". I don't remember ever teaching her that, and its not something we use very often but she still knew what it was. They are really like little sponges at this age! Sometimes she says words that only we can understand but sometimes we don't even want to correct it because they sounds so cute (or "tute" as she would say!)

She talks about her memories of things A LOT. You can tell things that really had an impact on her because she will randomly bring it up. These days things she says a lot: "fog (frog).. table... jumping.. away" Translation- the frog was under the table jumping and then he went away. This happened several weeks ago and she still talks about it a lot. And anytime she sees a lizard: "Keh-kee, scared, zizard." Translation- Kelly was scared of the lizard. She still hasn't forgotten it either. Nathan's dad helped cut down a tree LAST year and she still talks about it..."papaw, trees".

She cried for me one night after going to bed while staying at Nathan's parents house and when I asked what was wrong, she pointed to the ceiling fan and said "mommy, dragon!". I had to hold back my laughter but compassionately reassured her that it was just a fan, not a dragon. :)

She really seems to say anything that comes to her mind (if you know me well, you probably know she gets that honest!).

She continues to be independent. If we ask or try to help, we typically hear "NO, self" A LOT these day.

She is very affectionate. She hugs on younger children and babies as much as you will let her. She just cannot seem to help herself, she hugs and hugs and hugs and makes that sweet little voice saying "Aaava, tuuuute".

She is still a mommy's girl and I wouldn't want it any other way! :)

Things that make her the happiest: babies, dogs, and the swing!

She is developing more fear about things as kids usually do at this age but she is also still really brave and doesn't get scared of much. When she hears a truck passing by (even when we are in the house), she will run up to me, grab my leg and say "mommy, scared, truck."

We took her to a movie yesterday (my dad wanted to see Oz for his birthday and wanted her to go). She did SO well. Everyone was surprised how well she did. She sat on my lap the whole time and was into the movie from beginning to end. There were definitely some scary parts that I would have rather her not see but it didn't seem to phase her. She seemed to get it and would open her mouth wide or cover her mouth and she did startle a couple of times but didn't cry. It was actually a good movie and kid-appropriate.

She is very tough. She will fall down but just stands up, brushes off her legs and under her breath you can hear her saying "ouch" as she rubs them and keeps on going.

But she also has discovered what band aids are and puts that request out there a lot if she finds a boo boo or just wants to pretend there is one there. Last night, she was sitting on the potty and asked for a band aid. Then very carefully unwrapped it herself and applied it perfectly to a little scratch on her knee. Then wanted to put one on the boo boo on my face too.

 If she sees something on me that she thinks is a boo boo or if she hears me say "ouch", she will run up to me and say "ok? then "tiss it" and "ok, allll better".

She is still trying to count and will do this often sounds like this starting out.."8, 9, 2..." or "6, 7.." but never starts with 1.

She likes her room completely dark (like momma)

She is very strong willed and thats a challenge to discipline at times. She seems to respond best to my talking and explaining to her why things are wrong. She usually does pretty good but we definitely have our share of tantrums. And she can definitely test my patience! Typical toddlerhood/terrible 2s as they call it.

The other day I looked at her with a stern face because she was not listening to me and would not sit back to let me buckle her in the carseat...and what did she do?? She held her hand palm up to my chin, tilted her little head and said with her sweet voice, "mommy, eyes, beautiful"...Now how do you discipline THAT!?

She sleeps very well these days. 12 hours at night usually and a 2-3 hour nap during the day.

Her appetite has been terrible lately but we just started a new medicine, erythromycin (which is an antibiotic but in small doses helps with motility to moves things through her GI system faster aiding with reflux and constipation) and I'm already seeing some improvements.

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