Thursday, May 22, 2014

3 year old rebellion

Parenting has taken on a whole new level of difficult this week! This mischievous, strong-willed 3 year old is making 2 look like a piece of cake! I can't count how many times this week she has thrown a fit. The easy way out  (giving in and saying yes) is usually (well almost always) the wrong way.  And what feels like the right discipline produces emotional meltdowns that are exhausting for all of us. Still they are necessary as hard as it is to witness. How do you consistently demonstrate love and grace while correcting the behavior and teaching respect and obedience. She must learn that crying and throwing a fit doesn't get her what she wants. But how many times must this testing phase play out before she learns that!? I keep trying to figure out the "why?" of her bad behavior but it just seems to be because she is testing her limits and wants her independence and her own way. Tonight was better so hopefully things will start to improve.   Sounds like I just need God to help me through this, right?! Through His example of love and grace, and through prayer that this new level of testing rebellion will cease! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Backyard pool

It was the hottest day of spring so far so I had to pull out the little plastic pool. Here's a few pictures to show off Kelsie's enjoyment!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


My Kelsie has such a great memory, I am often amazed what she talks about! Every day, she brings up random memories. "Member (remember) mommy...." . It is usually something from the day before but often she brings up things that happened months, even over a year ago! Without any prompting!  But last night really took the cake and had me scratching my head for a minute... "Mommy, remember when I was hiding behind your belly button, in your tummy, it was really dark in there and I was crying"....Ummmm....what? For a second, I thought she remembered her time in utero...where does she come up with this stuff!?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bedtime songs

Here is a sweet video of Kelsie and I singing songs at bedtime! Such a joy! I hope her sweet voice singing Amazing Grace blesses your heart as much as it did mine!