Thursday, January 29, 2015

Words of my preschooler

I laid out red pants for Kelsie to wear with her ladybug shirt. She promptly told me, with hands on her hips, "I AM NOT wearing those red pants! They are red like the Wolfpack!" - she has definitely made her choice! She even said, I want to wear blue ones! My little Tarheel. 

"My husband is named daddy"

I was telling her tucking her into bed and I said "Goodnight, love you sugar."  She said "Daddy calls me sugar. Why do you call me sugar?" I said, "because you're sweet like sugar." She said "ohhh, [laughter...] you're going to bake me into a cake."  So funny she made that connection. 

There have been several more funny things said this week that I have forgotten to write down (as usual). Maybe they will come back to me. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

So much sweetness!

Sometimes, it's just those simple, sweet, every day moments, like sitting on the floor playing with stickers, that remind me how blessed I am to be her momma! 

Kelsie is just the sweetest thing. She is so caring and affectionate and has such a big heart. Almost 4. Although today she told me she is still 3 1/2 but will be 20 and a half at her birthday in February.  đŸ˜‰Sometimes she acts like it! 

Oh how I wish I could bottle up all the cute expressions, smiles, giggles, belly laughs, "I love you mommy"'s and the sweet and "grown up" things she says and replay them once she's grown out of this stage.

 Right now, I get to experience it every day. But one day, it will be different. This highly imaginative, inquisitive, cheerful,  tender stage will be over. Another stage will appear and I know I will love her just as much then as I do now. There will be new things that make me in awe over her and a newness of knowledge filling her mind. The same tight bond we share now will be just as strong. But the 3 year old Kelsie will be no more. It's kind of sad thinking of how these stages pass by so quickly when children are young. It's such a magical time full of so many hugs, kisses, cuddles, and joyful excitement over everything. I'm certainly not trying to mourn the loss before it's even over; but am just aware that its fleeting. So I try (ok I do) to take A LOT of pictures and videos. I don't write things down very often anymore though which I feel I may regret one day. By the end of today, I can't even recall all the funny things she said but I know they made me smile. And feel thankful for her. SO thankful. I hug and kiss her countless times in a day and she does the same to me. I am soaking her in, enjoying her, and loving her well every single day. One of the sweet things she said tonight.... I heard her randomly tell her daddy, "I love my mommy, she's so beautiful!" Made me melt! 

Thank you God for this daily journey through the amazing life of a child. Your child that you entrusted to me. She is the greatest gift I have ever received. I promise to treasure her always.