Monday, October 20, 2014

Child like faith

Tonight, Kelsie prayed, "God, please give me a baby sister girl just yike me."...then she paused, looked at us with a smile and said, "God said he will give us one." Hmmmmm. 😉 But NO, NOT expecting over here! Kelsie has just been asking for a real baby for a while now. At least she's understanding to pray for what she wants! #childlikefaith #justbelieve #maybeoneday

A few recent pictures: 

Kelsie and cousin Ava. 

Kelsie and her best friend Ava. 

Kelsie holding Ava's baby brother, Ian. A happy girl with a baby in her hands! She couldn't get enough of him. And we heard "awww" a lot!

The pumpkin she worked so hard to paint last week. She did it all on her own. And said it couldn't have a smile, it had to have a scary mouth like this...(I did help with the teeth.)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Quartely CF check up - October

Kelsie had a very positive CF check up today! I am reminded how very thankful I am for her entire CF team! They are the most encouraging and supportive group of staff and I feel so blessed to have them along side of us in our journey with CF! It was so encouraging to hear her doctor talk about the newest therapies that should be available within the next year! We are very hopeful for what's to come and pray that Kelsie's body continues to stay as healthy as it possibly can! Kelsie continues to do phenomenal and I was so proud of her as always! Her weight and height are close to 75th percentile which is so exciting for a child with CF! She did great pushing through the breathing tests and was very well behaved (and funny) the entire 4 HOUR visit! She had a couple scary things happen (flu shot and sputum throat culture -which was like torture) but she did a great job overall. And she is also now required to wear a mask for infection control purposes (which she didn't like very much but complied). Thankful for this girl and her 3 1/2 beautiful, healthy years!