Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My dear kelsie

My dearest Kelsie,

I am holding you here in my arms thinking how amazing you are. God made you this perfect little person and He made you for me and your daddy. God could not have blessed me with anything greater! I feel bad every night that I have to get you out of bed to do chest pt. And then after that's over, I have to put on your hip brace. I sometimes think, this is only just the beginning of what you are going to have to go through in life. I know there are going to be challenges ahead, there will be limitations and pain, sunshine and rain. But as you re getting older, I am seeing more and more of your personality come out and I am feeling even more confident that you will be just fine. You are already very strong willed and determined to do what you have set your mind to do! You are so tough and when you fall, you just get right back up, brush it off off and keep going. You don't let obstacles stand in your way, you just figure out how to get around them! You independently seek out new challenges and figure out problems on your own. You already have great sense of humor and it's obvious you purposefully try to make us laugh! You are very outgoing and make friends with strangers everywhere we go. And you give the sweetest affection that just melts my heart every time. I love you more than anything and will spend the rest of my life trying to be the best mother to you that I can possibly be.

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