Monday, August 27, 2012


Its been a pretty good week, well, except for the fact that Kelsie has started getting up TOO early! She has been waking up at random times over the past 2 weeks and I don't like it! Its been anywhere from 4:30-6:30 and she used to wake up routinely between 7-8am. And not only is she waking up early, she is waking crying insistent that she is not going back to sleep. Yesterday I tried and tried to make her go back down in her crib but after 30 minutes of crying and throwing things out of her crib, I finally brought her back into bed with me. She continued to fuss and whine but I ignored her and continued to keep my eyes closed, and she eventually laid down and did the same. She then slept until 8:30!

We had a pretty uneventful day...went to buy some fall flowers and then I worked to get those in the ground during her nap. We went to the grocery store as usual (why do I end up there at least 3x a week!?) played outside, watered the grass and Kelsie couldn't help her curiosity and went to see what the sprinkler was all about! So I just joined her and we ran through it together. :) Got all wet and I was super dirty from planting flowers so we took a little afternoon bath. I figured out a new solution to the "mommy needs a shower but what do I do with the toddler?" dilemma. Since my shower and bathtub are side-by-side (but separate), I put her in the tub while I took a shower. I could see her through the mirror and she was content because she could see me as well.  And had a tub of water and toys to keep her occupied. This worked out great yesterday but I tried it again today and it was a disaster. She ended up pooping in the tub while I was only partly through with my shower, so I had to do some poop scoopin, then both of us ran dripping wet to the other bathroom where I finished my shower, then cleaned her up, then got her diapered and dressed, put her on my bed with the TV on while I got back in the shower to shave. Its exhausting just talking about it!

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