Thursday, August 2, 2012

My sister's wedding!

My little sister, Valerie, got married last weekend! We have looked forward to that day for a long time and it has now come... and also gone! Sometimes it's hard to believe we are both grown and now married. But exciting all the same. Its the beginning of a new chapter of her life and I couldn't be happier for her! I love Drew, her now husband, like a brother and know without a doubt that he is the right one for her. He really is a wonderful guy and I'm glad that he is now a part of our family (even though I've considered him that for a long time even before it became "official").

Kelsie was the flower girl in the wedding and did a great job! She started to have a little meltdown right before it was time to walk down and wanted a snack. I could tell she was hungry and thirsty so I gave her the only thing I had that she could eat without enzymes - puffs (because there was no time to fix her enzymes) and I filled up her cup with tea. But when we tried to take the bowl of puffs or the tea away from her, she had a fit. So she didn't carry her basket of flower petals...instead opted for her sippy cup of sweet tea (a true southern girl!). She hesitated at first but then kept walking down the aisle by herself and when she got close enough to see me she started laughing and then ran toward me. I held her on my hip while we watched Valerie walk down the aisle then I sat her up on the stage as we all walked up behind the bride and groom. Kelsie then sat quietly beside me and read a book until she got bored with that (oh about 3 minutes maybe!) and then proceeded to walk around the stage. She stopped in front of Valerie and Drew as they were exchanging vows, tried to play on the steps, ate a few puffs, and just looked around. I had to move her back from the steps a couple of times so we wouldn't have a catastrophe complete with a screaming child and a broken arm...but eventually my father in law stepped up and took her down to sit with them. (I was relieved). But up until that point, she did really well. She never cried or screamed or made a scene so I was thankful for that!

The reception was just beautiful and so fitting for Valerie and Drew. Valerie did a great job along side my aunt who helped her with the lovely decor and the organization as well my mom and dad who arranged the food as well as all the other little things its takes to bring it all together. All of the food (bbq pork, chicken, green beans, and potatoes) was home grown by my parents! And my dad even grew the wildflowers and cut and treated the wood for the table centerpieces. My mom and mother of the groom made homemade jam in mini jelly jars to give away as favors. Valerie used old windows for both a picture and menu display.  Those are just a few of the details but it was all so beautiful and came together very nicely! I am very proud of how well everything went. And and happy for my sister that she had such a lovely wedding!

Dad feeling a little solemn

Us girls took a little dance class as part of the bachelorette party and we performed the dance when we came in. So much fun!

Father daughter dance! And they surprised me and pulled me in too. Very special and sweet moment. :)



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