Thursday, February 21, 2013

Shopping with a toddler!

I felt brave and went shopping with Kelsie! I've always taken her with me everywhere and on my days off, we go out more days than not. But as she is becoming an active little toddler, taking her out is becoming more and more difficult. A typical shopping experience now involves me repeating "please stay in your stroller" "don't touch that" "stay with mommy" "don't walk away" "we have to go now" multiple times. But you can't expect too much from an active (almost) 2 year old. SO my philosophy long as they are not causing too big of a scene, in danger, hurting something, themselves, or someone else, you just need to smile, enjoy them, and let them be a kid (and grab the camera so you can look back one day, remember the joy of these moments, and laugh!) :)
Oh the fun of shopping with a toddler! :)

Here are some pictures from our adventures on our our shopping day...she was a little rambunctious but was as good as could be expected! 


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