Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Last week of the paci...

Well its almost that time, time to say goodbye to the beloved pacifier, aka "paci" or "papi" as Kelsie has called it. Its been a great friend, to both of us actually. I have loved watching how magically it has worked to calm her down or get her to sleep. When she was younger, you could literally pop that thing in and watch her eyes roll back, falling asleep almost instantaneously. It is, as it is often referred to, the ultimate mute button! In her first week of life, when she was crying and we didn't know what else to do, I was so thankful she took to the paci. And when she was 3 weeks old and we had to start giving her enzymes for her CF, I was so grateful we had the pacifier to use as a vehicle to get her to suck down that all important medicine. When she had to be held down for shots or xrays or be put to sleep for PFTs, I was so happy she had that pacifier to soothe her scared, sweet little heart. But as she is now almost 2, it is time to let it go. We have decided the "paci fairy" will take it sometime this week, though the exact night is TBD. We keep putting it off because we know it is going to be a big deal for her so we want to do it on a day when there isn't a lot going on for her or for us. Tomorrow is the Carolina/Duke game so I am not doing it then (since I actually want to be able to hear the game and watch it undisturbed), Thursday is Valentines, I work Friday night, Saturday is the night before church so I want her to be able to get some sleep so she isn't cranky in the nursery...and I could go on and on! Haha. But we will probably just do it on Thursday even if it is Valentines Day (she doesn't know the difference yet and Nathan and I are an old married couple anyway (jk) so its not that big of a deal.  I dread this so bad because I expect it to be a long night pitiful tears and screams of protest. She loves her pacis so much...when she sees them, she says "papi's! yay! happy!" and starts giggling as she sucks on them. Yes, they make her happy and that is how she has learned to fall asleep for the past 2 years (almost). This is going to be a very hard thing for her to give up and I'm sure it is going to be just as difficult for me. But I always said we would do it before she turned 2, so here we are. We saw the dentist yesterday and there are already some changes to her bite so we've just got to do it. We have started talking to her about it, trying to prepare her for it for a while but this week we are telling her that the paci fairy in just a couple of days and is going to take her paci's away to another baby who needs them. She may even bring her a prize in return!
I put her to bed with just one paci tonight so maybe that will help make the transition a little more smoothly because she usually goes to bed with at least 3, one for her mouth and 1 for each hand!
This is her tonight.... Oh she is going to be a sad, sad little girl later this week... :(

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