Sunday, April 28, 2013

A little cold and fever

Kelsie has had a fever for the past 2 days but still runs around like she is the happiest child in the world. She had a fever of 104 last night but was still laughing and loving on me. Today, I asked her if she felt sick and she said "nope". Yesterday, I think she was feeling a little worse though because at one point, she put her hand on her head, said "mommy, check", "sick" and was grimacing like something was bothering her. She has done thing like that before when playing but that time was different. And last night, she was crying using the potty saying "hurts! hurts!", when we asked what hurt she said "butt". She had a little crack in her skin on her bottom and it was clearly really burning. It was so pitiful to see her hurting like that. She is just recently getting to the point of being able to tell us when something hurts. But last night was the first time I have ever really seen her crying that much saying something was hurting and it broke my heart. Even though it was just a minor little thing that will heal up in a day or two, it was sad seeing her so upset and looking to me to fix it. I just sat down on the stool next to her and held her and rubbed her back and she stopped crying. Then she just kept hugging me and kissing me. She is so sweet!

I'm sure this fever will pass within the next day or so. I just hope this little cold that she is brewing doesn't stick around for long. Yesterday she coughed a few times and she sounded a little congested in her nose when she woke up the past 2 mornings but has been fine during the day. No runny nose and no coughing today. I think this will be about the 3rd time she has gotten a little fever and/or cold like symptoms symptoms in the past 4-5 months. But since we started the hypertonic saline in December, those little colds have not turned into anything more significant. No sinus infections and no coughing or lung involvement! So I am very much a fan of the hypertonic saline! I really think it has done a lot to help her clear secretions (which is what its supposed to do) before they have a chance to get infected with bacteria. Hopefully, this little virus will pass as quickly as the last!

She is scheduled for her routine infant PFTs (pulmonary function test with sedation) this Thursday but if she is sick, I'm not sure they are going to want to do it. So I will touch base with her doctor in the next day or so and see what she wants to do. Since this is a routine test for her to measure her lung function while she is well, doing it while she is sick would alter the results which are aimed at determining what her lung function is at baseline.

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