Friday, June 28, 2013

The joy of being called mommy

So thankful for my days at home with Kelsie. Becoming a mother is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! I have lived a blessed life and have experienced some pretty wonderful things but being a mom is easily the best of them all. It is not always easy. In fact, it is the hardest job I have ever had. The responsibilty is so great and the fear, the uncertainty, the guilt, the anxiety can ...all feel so real. But there is no earthly comparison to this kind of love, it is deeper than any other. And the joy and excitement you feel as you watch your child grow and learn and do new things is inexplicable. Each and every day, as I watch Kelsie play, I think how blessed I am to have her in my life. I notice her say and do new things, I see her personality continue to evolve, I receive her sweet affection, I hear her sweet voice calling "mommy", and I am overwhelmed with love for that child! Don't get me wrong, she is not a perfect child and I am not a perfect mother, but there is no doubt that God made us for one another and is helping us along this journey each and every day.
Here are a few pictures from our day today:
Washing her play food. Next I'll have to get her washing dishes! ;)

Trying a new way of entertainment during PT. The vest vibrates so much it's hard to hold and read a book but this tray works pretty well to hold a sticker book and puzzle! 

She loves puzzles and is getting really good at them! She put this one together all by herself and was so proud! Mommy was too!

"DID IT!!!" :)

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