Friday, March 7, 2014

Tending to meltdowns

Well first of all, since I haven't updated the blog since Kelsie had RSV, I should say that it has completely cleared up. No more cough, runny nose, nothing! So thankful she got over it so well! Her next follow up with her CF doctor is Tues March 11 and she will get to do her first PFTs (pulmonary function test) without sedation. She will have to do different blowing/breathing excercises and they will measure how well her lungs work. I expect this will be normal (have no reason to think otherwise) but I guess there is a chance the CF is taking more a toll on her lungs than is visible on the outside. So we shall see. I'll try to remember to update after that visit.

The reason for the post today is to just share a sweet moment I had with her today. I want to look back one day and remember this because it was just so sweet and my mommy heart overflow! She had just had a long todder crying fit over naptime, and covers not being situated just right, and her pillow being messed up, and babies not fixed right, and this and that, and I had almost lost my patience! I had been back and forth to her room several times but the last time, I held onto my patience just a little longer and decided to just lay down in bed with her and hold her and sing to her. I sang several songs and she even requested Jesus Loves me.  Once she had calmed down, I told her I was singing one more song and then I was going back downstairs. When it was over, I was expecting her to start crying again. But instead, she said ok and then thanked me for helping her feel better saying "Thanks mom, you're the best!" That is the first time she has ever told me that with such sweetness and sincerity!! I'm am so glad I put aside my stern side in that moment and and just stayed the extra 5-10 minutes to attend to whatever emotional meltdown was going on inside her little head. It clearly meant alot to her and was so worth it! And definitely one of those moments I will learn from as well! Love that girl to pieces!!

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