Wednesday, September 26, 2012

18 month update - Belated!!

Kelsie was 19 months old yesterday but I have been so slack about updating the blog that never posted about her 18 month milestones. And boy have there been many!

- Saying a lot of words these days. I don't think I could even count how many. 
- Will repeat almost anything you say.
- Says mama and dada all day. Its clear that she thinks about us a lot. She also says other family members' names alot: pah-paw in the most dramatic voice...Valerie and Drew, ba-pa, geh-ma, Nana, Will, Wa-Wa (mamaw Roberts), ...
- Says Mommy! And I love it. She still says mama the most but will now says Mommy if you ask her to. 
- Points out things and calls them by their name. For example, she will point to a bird (either in the sky or in a book) and say "bird." When its an animal, she will just make the sound that it makes (animal sounds that she makes- dog, cat, pig, elephant, bird, cow, octopus (which is more of a hand motion), snake, bee, butterfly, owl, monkey, sheep, lion, dinosaur).
- Can point out many body parts - eyes (she even points to my eyes sometimes and says "eyes"), nose, hair, mouth, teeth, tongue, ears, hair, belly button, feet/toes)
- When she something wet (such as rain), she will say "wet". When I put her in her carseat on a hot day, she will correctly say "hot" (without me telling her that I also think it is hot). And when she sees me cooking, she will point to the stove and say "hot."  
- She loves to read books. Her current favorite is a book about going to the potty. Which reminds me...
- She pooped in the potty on 2 separate occasions while at the beach the week she turned 18 months.
- She peed in the potty the week we got home. We sat her on the potty before bath, she wasn't interested in trying to pee at that time, so we gave her bath, then when she got out she kept pointing to the potty and grunting so I asked if she needed to pee, and sure enough, she went! We haven't really worked on much since. I occasionally ask her and will put her on the potty but she wants down so fast so I don't even push it.
Still early for that anyway!
- She learns and remembers things so quick. It just amazes me the things she picks up on. She will see me do something one time, and then I'll notice her doing it herself a short time later.
- This week, I noticed her singing along to the radio! It was Learning to be the Light, a christian song by NewWorldSon. I noticed her repeating the part "wha-o, wha-o, wha-o o". I started singing it to and she liked that. She sang that part every time it the chorus came on.
- She likes to dance, its more of a bounce, but so cute. And she likes it even more when I dance around for her. She just laughs and laughs, I must be a pretty funny dancer! :) (Anything to hear that laughter, right!?)
- She is affectionate but likes her space. She gives the best hugs and kisses. I just can't get enough of them! But at night time when she is sleeping, she doesn't like you to snuggle with her. We have had to get her out of bed to do chest PT every night so we bring her to our bed before we go to sleep and always try to sneak a few cuddles and kisses, but she usually just rolls around and pushes us away.  Makes me miss the days when her favorite place to sleep was on my chest!
- She loves to go outside, I think she would spend the whole day out there if we let her!
- She can walk up the stairs one foot at a time, with me holding her hand, and she will even do alternating steps every now and then. She can also walk down the stairs one at a time with someone holding her hand. And then she gets so proud of herself that she wants to keep doing it.
- She plays with her baby as though she is the mommy. She hugs and kisses them, brushes their hair, lays them down to go night night etc. When I see her showing affection it reminds me how we are teaching her all about how to interact with the world around her. Pretty large responsibility.

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