Friday, March 29, 2013

Hips finally NORMAL

We went for a follow up of Kelsie's hips today and the xrays looked really good! The ball of the hip joint looked symmetrical on both sides and the socket was curved on both sides like it is supposed to be! (At her 6 week ultrasound, they also told us her hips were normal but that unfortunately turned out to be false good news because at 7 months old they again discovered that there was some asymmetry in the development of the hip joints). At her last follow up, he said she needed to wear the hip brace at night until she was 2 (which was like another 7 months at that point I think). Well I will admit, she only worse it for another month or two. Once we got the PT vest, we got out of the habit of getting her up at night to do PT, which was also when we always put her brace on. So night after night, we forgot to put her brace on and eventually just stopped trying to do it all together. And now, I guess it shows that her hips were able to develop correctly on their own anyway! (We didn't tell the doctor that but it sure made me feel better.) I know I would have felt bad if they didn't look healed up at this point, but in the grand scheme of what is going on in our lives, her hips just weren't as high on my list of worries. I knew from the last visit that they were almost where they needed to be in terms of development and shouldn't give her any problems until "her 50s", he said. So I wasn't too concerned about making her wear that restricting brace every night. And now I feel good that I made the right call! He still wants to do another hip xray in 1 year. But he was very positive in what he saw today! So glad I can cross this off my list of things to think about! :) I needed that bit of good news today.

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