Tuesday, March 27, 2012

13 months

Kelsie is now 13 months old which isn't very significant in terms of a milestone but still, its yet another month gone by of this precious babyhood. In fact, I guess this past month really has been her 1st month in toddlerhood, so thats exciting, huh!? She is definitely acting like quite the toddler too! Full of personality, dramatic, with her "I want my way" attitude, but still very sweet and cuddly and affectionate and yes, even obedient at times. She is playing with her sounds and showing off just how loud and high her voice can go! Especially when she is done eating, or wants out of the car seat, we hear a loud "Up" which turns into an "Uuuuuuup" and then and "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup" getting louder each time. Its definitely the first word she has used with meaning (besides mama/dada) and boy does she like to use it! It also lets her express her wants by using a word so I absolutely love to hear her ask to get up, its another one of those proud moments every time I hear her say it.  She also repeats sounds or actions that we make and just thinks her mommy and daddy are the funniest people in the world. She loves her daddy to chase her around the house and play monsters and for mommy to flip her upside down and "shake the sillies out". She loves likes me to pick her up, lay her on her side, and gnaw on "Kelsie on the cob" and, as we found out yesterday, she also LOVES to eat corn on the cob!  She thinks its hilarious to tickle mommy's toes and knows exactly what to do when dad wants to "honk" her little nose. Her laughter is the sweetest sound I have heard and we do some pretty silly things around just to be able to hear it one more time! She gives the sweetest open mouth kisses and our hearts just burst at the seams every time shes leans in to give a kiss or wraps those little arms tightly around our necks for a hug. She loves to discover and I love to help her learn. I like to give her the space to explore and use her imagination but also be near and teach her new adventures. We like to sit and read books together and get down on the floor and act silly. We love to sit outside and take walks around the neighborhood. I love to take her out shopping and have lunch together. Even if she's only 1, she's still a super fun lunch date, not to mention cute as can be!Not a day goes by that I don't think how blessed I am to have her as my daughter.

She went to town, I tell you! And would cry if we took it away!

Mom, why are you putting me in my swimsuit, in this pool, in MARCH? 

Because its 80 degrees baby, why not!? 

We also put our sweet Kelsie in the middle of our rivalry. Nathan insisted she wear this State dress he bought for her. And since it was the 1st time they have made it to the Sweet Sixteen, in like, forever, I figured I would let her wear it. But no worries, she was back sporting her Tarheel dress in no time! :) Daddy enjoyed pulling her around in the wagon at his parents house.

And she even rode the horsey that he rode when he was a kid. 

We bought her this new "Cozy Coupe" car as a late birthday present and she is absolutely crazy about it! Has a fit to ride in it anytime she sees it and will climb out but if you close the door she quickly lets you know that she wants back in!! 

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