Saturday, March 17, 2012


Kelsie had another pulmonary function test yesterday. This is just a routine test to measure her lung function and ensure she doesn't have any silent lung disease going on. I was anxious about it as expected because of the sedation, her being NPO, and everything else involved but it actually all went pretty well. The results looked good, although the measurements were a bit lower than the first time - maybe worse isn't the best way to describe it, just not as good as before. The doctor wasn't worried though because the numbers still all looked above normal. And since they are still fairly new at finding CF in infants, the results are as accurate as they are when they get a little older.

Kelsie will have this test again in 6 months and routinely for the rest of her life. But she will only have to be sedated during this infant/toddler period. Eventually she will be old enough to understand and follow the forced breathing instructions.

She did much better with the sedation this time. The last time, she didn't get in a deep enough sleep so they gave her more of the medicine. Then she slept all evening and was like a little rag doll. This time she went right off to sleep (she was also 2hrs past naptime at that point too), only needed one dose of medicine, and the test was over in about 30-40 minutes. They took her to a recovery room afterwards and she slept...and slept...and slept. She got the medicine around 11:30am and we finally had to wake her up around 2:15. She did good the rest of the day but was quite wobbly on her feet and drunk acting after we got home.

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