Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Days of Thankfulness

I will updating this post daily as we prepare for this season of Thanksgiving. Every day we should give thanks to God for all his blessings, but this is a particularly good time to remind ourselves of all we have to be thankful for.

Day 1: I'm thankful for my Lord and Savior
Day 2: thankful for the most precious gift of my life, my sweet and beautiful baby girl
Day 3: thankful for a husband who loves me unconditionally and works so hard to provide for our family
Day 4: thankful for parents who raised me in a Christian home and taught me to live for the Lord.
Day 5: thankful God saved my life and my legs from my near-fatal car accident 6 1/2 years ago. And thankful for what I learned about myself and about life as I pushed through the painful experiences that followed.
Day 6: Thankful for all the kisses, hugs, laughs, cuddles, storytimes, piggyback rides, dances, tickles, playtimes, and countless other precious moments with my little girl and for the beautiful bond we share. I ♥ you my sweet child.
Day 7: Thankful for my education, my career, my job, and the ability to be a part time professional and a part time stay-at-home-mom. I love being both.
Day 8: Thankful for technology so I can still talk, text, and do face time with Nathan even though he's out of the country.
Day 9: Thankful that my mother-in-law is able and willing to keep Kelsie 2 days a week while I work so that we do not have to risk her health by putting her in daycare. And for my mom and aunt for making sacrifices and adjusting their schedules to help fill in the gaps anytime I need them. I am truly so blessed to have such loving and supportive women in my life. Because of them, I can relax while I work knowing that Kelsie (and her health needs) are being well taken care of.
Day 10: Thankful that Nathan made it home safely from Brazil!
Day 11: Thankful for this wonderful day of quality time with the 2 great loves of my life!
Day 12: Thankful God blessed me with a sister, someone I have shared my life with, the ups, the downs, the laughs, the tears, the screams, the cheers, the quiet times, and the hours of conversation. There is no one else I would choose as my sister. We are so alike yet so different but we are perfectly sisters. I love you Valerie Campbell Runnfeldt and I'm so glad you are the sister and friend God chose for me. ♥
Day 13: Thankful for my child's laughter and my ability to hear it. Every day is a whole lot sweeter because of that beautiful sound!
Day 14: Thankful for my scenic drive to work. Fall is such a beautiful time of the year!
Day 15: Thankful for my all my college friends and the times we shared together at Carolina. I miss you all SO much!!
Day 16. Thankful for this job that allows me to work from home on Friday nights.
Day 17. Thankful for a warm bed to crawl into tonight.
Day 18: Thankful for bedtime stories and goodnight kisses! ♥
Day 19. Thankful that Nathan is such a great daddy to Kelsie, adores her, and takes such good care of her.
Day 20. Thankful for my family's health.
Day 21. Thankful for the kiddos that make my job more than just a job.
Day 22. I am thankful for the Holiday season. I love everything about it! The time with family, the laughter, the joy and anticipation, the reminder of thanksgiving, the food, the decorations, the tree, the ornaments, the gift giving, the lights, the music, the cheerfulness, the memories made, and the story of the miracle birth of my Savior.
Day 23. Thankful we live just a few miles away from the one of the best CF centers in the country.
Day 24. Thankful that Kelsie's diagnosis was made at just 2 weeks of age so that her lungs didn't suffer any damage before we found out
Day 25. Thankful for the meds she takes everyday that allow her to grow and develop like any other kid her age.
Day 26. Thankful for her amazing doctor that is always there for me to talk to me anytime I need her. 

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