Monday, July 25, 2011

5 months old!

Kelsie is 5 months old! 

- She is sitting up by herself for longer periods of time now
- She is rolling over very easily
- Reaches for everything and puts everything straight to her mouth.
- Will take her paci out of your hand and put it in her mouth -  she doesn't always get it in there exactly right, but she knows where it goes. 

- She likes to chew on anything she can get her hands on and her new favorite toy is Sophie, the giraffe which is the greatest chew toy ever!
- She is settling into a routine and is still trying to figure out how to get herself back to sleep when she wakes up during naptime but hopefully she will have that mastered by 6 months!
- She is still sleeping through the night - goes to bed between 8-9 and gets up around 7 am.
- She can hold her bottle and we have even started letting her play with the sippy cup and she can hold it up and drink from it for a short time but still doesn't have the strength to hold it up for long enough to eat. Another goal for 6 months!
- She is still exclusively breastfed and we are waiting until 6 months to start cereal or baby food.
- When she is overtired, she fights sleep like crazy and can really show her determination NOT to sleep.
- When she is well rested, she smiles all the time!
- Is ticklish under her arms and laughs out loud when you hit the right spot. :) 

- Likes to look at herself and mommy in the mirror.
- Gives mommy kisses ... at least I like to believe thats what she is intending to do.

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