Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I can roll over!

Kelsie rolled over from her tummy to her back today!! I had her playing on her tummy and she was getting tired and trying to get out of that position so I just sat back and watched her try to figure it out. Then when I saw that she was about to roll, I grabbed the camera but the battery was dead!! So I hurried and gave it about a 30sec charge, then quickly put the battery back in the camera but right before I pushed the button, she rolled to her back!! She looked a little stunned, like "whoa, how did that happen?" I'm working on shortening the video so I can post check back later.

She is also moving all around in her crib now. At night, I lay her down on one end of the bed and by morning, she ends up on the other side facing the opposite direction.

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