Friday, August 26, 2011

CF check and vaccines

Yesterday Kelsie had a check up with her CF team. We saw her Doctor, Dietitian, and PT. And then we went for her 6 month well-child visit with her Pediatrician. So it was a very busy day of appointments and I am pleasantly surprised at how well Kelsie did. Despite missing her afternoon nap, she was so happy and smiley throughout the entire day! She fell asleep as soon as we left the hospital and got a quick 20 minute catnap on the way to the Pediatrician's but then got woken up. So I was very worried that because she was so exhausted, that getting her shots was going to make her very cranky...but she surprised me and did awesome!! She cried when they gave her the injections of course, but as soon as I picked her up, she stopped crying and was fine from then on. She fell asleep on the way home, woke up and ate, got her bath, went to bed early and had a great night! She woke up with a little fever but otherwise, has acted fine.

If you look closely, you can see the little booboos on my chunky legs

She weighed 16lbs 14oz (75th percentile) and measured almost 26 inches (50th percentile). Everyone was sooo impressed with her awesome weight gain! As usual, she got so much attention from the staff and she just ate it up. Shes definitely a little charmer!

The doctor basically just reviewed how her feedings, meds,and chest PT were going and talked with about how things were going. Besides reflux, she really hasn't had any issues, and most importantly, no illness! So we are very thankful for that! He reminded us how great her pulmonary function tests and labs looked last time and was very encouraged by her great weight gain. He also discussed the new therapies coming down the pipeline for CF and he seemed really encouraged about the future treatments targeted at DeltaF508 which is the mutation Kelsie has. There is so much work by the CF Foundation to find a cure and we are hoping and praying that one day, all that research will hit home and bring about life-changing outcomes for Kelsie.

This was the first visit that did not leave me feeling down and out. Lately, I have recognized that I have had a negative attitude in regards to Kelsie's illness and in some ways, still try not to accept it. But I am trying to return to that optimism I have always had and renew my faith. My new thoughts are aimed at accepting this as what it is today, being hopeful and faithful for tomorrow, and trusting whole-heartedly that, one day, my Kelsie will be cured if this disease!

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