Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What a day!

Started it off by waking up late, then by the time I fed Kelsie and put her back down, I only had about 20 min to take a shower, get dressed, grab breakfast, and get my lunch and pumping stuff all together. So I ran out the door in a hurry only to get to work and realize that in all that frenzy, I left my pump at home!!! And the pump is simply a necessity when I have to be away from Kelsie. So I called mom, and thankfully she was able to hop in the car when Kelsie woke up from her morning nap to bring me my pump. It was quite a treat to get to see Kelsie at work though, and show her off to my coworkers. Aside from that, there are also new changes taking place at work and they are cutting back on hours for cost savings, so that had me a little stressed as well. I just had a pit in my stomach all day that I couldn't seem to figure out. Kelsie's CF has been back on my mind and I've just been in deep thought about that lately - thoughts which still threatens to wear me down if I dwell on them for too long.  And to round out the night, my knee just spontaneously went out from under me tonight. I had just given Kelsie a bath and was holding her about to walk into the bedroom when it just buckled causing horrible pain. I couldn't even bear weight on it and can still barely walk. For those of you who may not know, I broke both femurs in a car accident in 2006, have rods in both of them, and have continued to have residual problems with my legs ever since. I had an awful time with them but they have been doing so well for so long!  I am sitting with ice on it as we speak wondering if this will just go away or if it will turn into something worse...

But the day wasn't all bad. Today is my parents' 30th wedding anniversary and since my mom stays here on Tuesday nights, my dad drove up so they could spend the evening together. So we all ended up going to dinner together...and Valerie even drove up to go and is spending the night as well. We had a fun time at dinner and Kelsie did so well and was happy the entire time. She also met a little boy, who, come to find out, was also born on February 25th...at UNC... and was delivered by the same Dr who delivered Kelsie!!! How cool is that!? His name was Mccoy and he and Kelsie just seemed amazed by each other, passing many smiles and sweet looks. It was so cute to watch them interact!

Passing glances at one another...

Snapped too late, but they were smiling and trying to touch each others faces

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