Monday, January 30, 2012

Kelsie goes to the dentist!

Kelsie had her first dentist appointment today! Yes, she only has 4 teeth but it is still recommended to have the first dental appointment by the 1st birthday. And I had some concerns so we decided to go ahead and get her seen.  Her bottom 2 teeth came in the week before Christmas and they look great. Her top right tooth came in last weekend, and top left broke through over the past 2 nights. Last weekend, I noticed some yellow discoloration of her top right tooth and as it has grown more, it has become more obvious! Then today it looked as though there was a dark brown spot on her upper left tooth. I was freaking out thinking what is wrong with my baby's teeth and why do they look like they are coming in rotten!!?? So I made an appointment and they were able to see her today! We went to a Pediatric Dentist in Southern Village and they were all just wonderful! Anyway, so the dentist said that there is actually a defect in the enamel of her tooth and there is no treatment!! They don't know what caused it exactly but do know that it was something that happened in utero when the teeth were developing, and for whatever reason, they just didn't develop properly. She said that it shouldn't cause problems to the permanent teeth though, because they do not develop until later, around birth. So now we just have to put up with this yellow tooth discoloration until that tooth falls out. But besides aesthetics, it shouldn't cause any problems. The brown spot on the other tooth was (thankfully) nothing but a spot of old blood where the tooth popped through the gum! (Poor baby, no wonder she was so extremely fussy last night!)

She also has a low frenulum (the piece of tissue that connects the upper lip to the gum). It comes down between her upper two front teeth. They said she will either outgrow this, she will fall and injure it and "naturally" clip it, or will have to have it clipped later in when she is older. 

Kelsie did so good with the whole visit! She laid so still and I was pleasantly surprised!

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