Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We have snot...

Well, we made it 10 months without so much as a runny nose, but Kelsie has officially had her 1st cold. And we have survived! I have feared her getting sick since we found out she had CF and have actually been kind of surprised that she hasn't been sick until now.  Most infants get sick before 10 months old, but we have been fortunate that she has been super healthy so far! But Nathan and I have still worried about how her lungs would respond to her having a little cold, but so far, her symptoms have been pretty minimal, with little coughing. It started last Thursday and by Friday, she had lots of snot, a little cough, and a low-grade fever. We went to the Dr. because of a little rash (that turned out to be a type of eczema) and since the cold had just started, he checked her lungs and ears as well. Both checked out to be fine, so we just managed it at home with saline and suction and by Saturday, she was already a lot better. She woke up ALOT Friday night and was so congested she had a hard time breathing through her nose.  But since then, the congestion has improved. She is still waking up a lot at night with a stuffy nose. And because she needs her paci to get to sleep, when she wakes up, tries to suck on her paci in and then realizes she can't breathe through her nose, she gets so upset and thus, we have to intervene. But I can take a little nasal congestion. I am just thankful that she hasn't had much coughing and has done so well with her first respiratory infection. Its still to early to tell, but this helps me to remain hopeful that she will not have a lot of lung involvement with her disease.


Oh, and Kelsie was so kind to give the cold to her daddy AND me. So we have had a house full of snot this week. But I think we are finally all on the mend!

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