Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today was my first full day here with Kelsie by myself and she had the biggest poopy explosion yet...all over her onesie so I had to figure out how to change her without removing her harness. We often talked about a big blowout happening when I was by myself and how I would handle it (because bathing or dressing/undressing her is a 2 person job with this harness).  We were told by ortho that we could only remove 1 strap of the harness at a time to change her outfit. However....they obviously have never had to care for a newborn wearing this thing because it is truly impossible to do that without torturing the baby.  So all that being said, I knew I had to figure out some way to get the soiled onesie off of her on my own, without compromising her hips.  At first, I tried to cut it off but decided that wasn't practical, so then I figured out a new system and am proud to say I successfully got it off!

i feel much better now!

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