Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kisses goodnight

These are the days I will cherish forever. I know that with all certainty. Putting Kelsie to bed is such a special time for me. I love the cuddles, the story time, the bedtime prayers and the kisses goodnight. Every night isn't as tranquil as that sounds but it's all the same to me. The giggles and tickles, the squirms, the run away and chase mes, and yes, even the protesting cries--they are all special. Even when she is in a bad mood and fighting going to bed, she still gets quiet when I say it's time for our prayer. She listens intently to every word I say. As my eyes are closed in prayer, she rubs my face but eventually brings her hands together as well. And as I end, she echoes my ending with an "amen" of her own. We have our special mommy daughter talks and then give hugs and kisses. Tonight, she gave the best Eskimo kisses and didn't want to stop. I relished that moment and was conscious of the fact that I wanted to etch it in my brain and never forget it. She giggled as I walked out of the room blowing her another kiss, then throwing my arms out as wide as they could go saying "I love you soooooo much!!" She laughed and repeated, "maaaaa much!" Then said "night night!"

But, still, before I go to bed, I can't resist another kiss goodnight. This time while she's sleeping. And I have to say, this is one of my favorite moments of the day. Staring at the face of your child while they sleep is such a precious moment. I kiss her sweet face over and over and just thank God for giving me such an amazing gift. Yes, I know without a doubt, I am going to miss these days like crazy when she grows up!

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