Kelsie was 7 months old yesterday! This has been a fun month seeing her develop a little bit of personality!
She has the cutest giggle and laughs alot, especially if you tickle her! She also gets excited when she sees my hand coming or hears me say, "I'mmmmm gonnnnnnaaa......." she knows it will be followed by a tickle and a "get her get her get her." :)
She can also have a little temper at times. For example, she gets mad if you take the remote control away from her (seriously). Its best to just hide it so she doesn't see it. She saw it after it had been away for a while and got really excited.
She has started to grab and pull her hair out when she is feeling stressed. She used to have alot of hair in the back but now there are some bald spots. :( Really hoping she doesn't do this long.
She also gets excited when we walk to the front door or turn the dead bolt because she knows that means we are going outside! And she does the same thing when we walk into the bathroom, I guess she associates it with bathtime which she loves.
She also loves sitting on the bathroom counter in front of the mirror looking at and talking to herself.
She loves to ride on her daddy's shoulders and it always makes her smile even when she is fussy.
She likes to go outside for walks. She rides in the stroller and I get some exercise, its a win-win.
I like to put her on the floor and let her cruise around playing with her toys and she just rolls all over the place.
She can sit up from a lying position, both from her tummy to sitting and from her back to sitting.
She is not yet crawling, but over the past 2 days, we have noticed her getting closer. She actually gets up on her knees AND her hands now, rocks back and forth, but instead of moving her hands and knees together, she will get up on her hands and knees, take one big rock back and then catapault herself forward, but she picks up both hands and lands on her chest.
She is starting to open and close her hand like she is waving bye bye - she isn't doing it with any meaning or purpose, just something I have noticed that is new.
Over the past few days, she has started sticking her tongue out when she is smiling. I'll have to post a picture, it is just the cutest thing.
She is actually sticking her tongue out alot these days...something she must get from her daddy. He is known for sticking his tongue out when he is working on something or concentrating.
She blows bubbles with her mouth. She sticks her tongue between her lips, puckers up, and blows bubbles, saying "PLUUGHHH". Sometimes, she will imitate you if do it back to her.
Yesterday she just started making a motion with her mouth when I would say "lalala". Its as if she were saying it back...but with no sound. lol. Now she does it a lot.
She shakes her head alot now like she is saying "no". I don't think it usually has any meaning because all babies do it at this age but it is funny to watch. And today I was feeding her carrots (which she doesn't like) and she kept making a face and shaking her head back and forth as if she were saying "NO, I don't want anymore!"
She is taking baby food regularly now. I have been making most of it in the Beaba baby cooker and I just love it! So far she has had rice cereal, green peas, sweet potatoes, pears, green beans, zucchini, bananas, carrots, oatmeal, and peaches. Sweet potatoes, pears, and zucchini are her favorite! She likes the oatmeal too.
Still no teeth.
We have introduced the cup and trying to help make that transition. The night before last, she took almost an ounce of milk out of a cup while she was eating her sweet potatoes. She was kind of lazy to hold it and suck on it for very long, and she kind of went back and forth trying to decide if she was supposed to suck on it or chew on it, so we helped her out a little but overall she did really well. I've put a little water in it for her to try too but she's not so much a fan of water yet, which is fine because she doesn't need it right now anyway.
She has been doing really well taking naps for me lately (until today which is a whole other post in itself.) She is less sensitive to sound when she is sleeping and will fall asleep in the stroller when we are out. She easily falls asleep in the car and some days when she becomes overtired and is battling sleep, we go for a drive.
She has not dropped down to 2 consistent naps a day and I am anxiously awaiting that time. Her nap schedule is insonsistent most days. She does tend to take a shorter nap in the morning, a longer nap in the middle of the day and short nap in the late afternoon but it does vary.
She will not fall asleep on her own if I lay her down and still has to be rocked to sleep, a habit I had hoped not to start, but alas, here we are. :( I'm afraid I have missed my window for sleep training but there were so many variables that just didn't make that possible before (reflux, chest PT, tummy troubles, enzymes and absorption issues, paci loss etc) or maybe if it was possible, I wasn't quite ready to try.
Nightime sleep is not as big of an issue as naptime but is still inconsistent. The night before last, she slept from 8:30pm until 7am. But then last night she woke up 3 times and ate twice. Thinking back, I'm guessing it may have had something to do with the Claritin I took - I didn't think about it at the time but I bet it decreased my milk supply. And me being sick is also going to affect my milk supply. Anyway, on average, she wakes up once at night, eats and is back asleep within 15 minutes. Sometimes she wakes up crying but we give her the paci and she rolls over and goes back to sleep. So overall, I am pleased with her nightime sleep. Of course, if she didn't wake up at all that would be better but at least when she does wake up, she doesn't keep me up long (most nights anyway.)