Sunday, September 11, 2011

Funny baby

We have had just a wonderful few days around here! Kelsie is becoming more fun every day -- I feel like I say that every week, but its always true! It is just so fun to watch her grow and learn and do new things! And she laughs all the time now which is just the greatest!

Thursday was so nice because, for the first time in several weeks, I didn't need to go anywhere, so Kelsie and I just hung out around home all day. And we just had the best time playing and laughing. It was also Nathan's birthday, so I was busy the whole day preparing a nice dinner for him to come home to. I went to the grocery store, came home, took Kelsie for a walk, baked a cake, prepared dinner, and spent the rest of my time feeding, playing, or snuggling with Kelsie. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but it was a fun and fulfilling day.

Then yesterday, Kelsie and I spent the morning around home, again playing and laughing our way through the day, and then drove to Greensboro to meet my parents and go to a Kids Consignment sale. I got some great deals on some clothes for Kelsie and we had a lot of fun sitting outside eating pizza with mom and dad. Kelsie was in a great mood and everything had just gone perfectly - until the ride home. She went right to sleep as we were leaving Greensboro and it was such a nice, peaceful ride for me. Then she woke up about 20 minutes from home and started to fuss. The fuss soon turned into a cry which then turned into a wail and then an uncontrollable desperate plea - "I'm so sleepy, tired of sitting in this seat staring at the back of the car, I'm bored and lonely, I want my mommy and I want to snuggle, I'm getting hungry, my diapers is wet, my feet are a little cold, and I WANT OUT OF HERE!" -- (At least thats what I imagine was going through her mind!) Oh my, it was just awful. That type of crying has only happened 2 or 3 times before but it just makes me feel so absolutely terrible when it does! She cried for the last 20 minutes of our ride home and I eventually pulled over just to get her out and hold her, to let her know I hadn't abandoned her. I knew she would cry again as soon as I put her back in the seat but I just had to stop and console her for a few minutes. She was so pitiful! She calmed down instantly when I picked her up and just looked around, then just laid her head on my shoulder and sat like that for a while, like she just needed me. Ah, broke my heart to put her back in that seat and see her get so sad when I walked away. Sigh --- a just one of those tough mommy moments I guess. Obviously she was fine as soon as we got home (as long as I was holding her at least). Then after she ate, she went right to sleep and slept ALLLLLL NIGHT - a good 10 hours straight!!!! Oh it was wonderful! She has done that sporadically over the past couple of weeks and I am ready to see that become more consistent again, though I'm not getting my hopes up! I worked tonight, just signed off at midnight and tonight would be a great night for her to sleep all the way through again. But either way, she will be up at 7am and so will mommy and daddy!!!! No more sleeping in for us! 

She has also cut down quite a bit on her daytime sleep over the past week or so. Today she took an hour and a half nap in the morning, and then got in about another hour in the afternoon. I think she needed more but surprisingly, she wasn't too fussy this evening. And that's not much for her at all, so it will be interesting to see if she will start getting into the 2nap/day routine over the coming days.

So I shall go to bed now since I am about to fall asleep at the keyboard....I have so much on my mind that I think about to write, just never seem to have the time anymore...

Here are some pictures from today.

Kelsie showing off her new outfit I got at the consignment sale (can you believe its a 12-18m!?) 
and her Minnie Mouse grandma/grandpa got her. 

I laugh all the time now, and I don't like to wear bows anymore...

Yes dear, you have learned how to rip off your headbands! Makes mommy sad :(

This is her new face. She just started doing this a few days ago and we think it is HILARIOUS!
Tucks in her top lip and looks like an old lady with no teeth

and then pulls in the bottom one. Shes so funny.
And I've learned to like peas!

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