Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 Years

May 2nd is always an emotional day for me as I am reminded of the car accident that almost took my life. Five years ago today, as I was on my way home from working a night shift as a nurse at UNC, my car collided head on with a tractor trailer. I do not remember the events leading up to this incident nor do I recall anything in the week that followed. The first thing I remember is waking up at Duke Hospital a week later to Nathan telling me I was in a car accident. I was on a ventilator with a breathing tube in one nostril and a feeding tube in the other. My jaw was wired shut and I had a C-collar around my neck. Both of my femurs were broken as well as my arm, elbow, and multiple bones in my foot (among other injuries). I couldn't move and I couldn't talk. I had already had multiple surgeries and had many more to come. I spent 2 more weeks in the hospital, 3 months in a wheelchair, and had 10 more months of consecutive physical therapy. The pain and the surgeries seemed as though they would never end. With each day of pain, each surgery and each setback, I grew more and more frustrated but never gave up hope that God was going to heal me. I was determined and confident that I would regain full functioning, even when, at times, it seemed absolutely impossible. In November of 2009, I had what I expect to be my last of many surgeries. They replaced the plate in my femur for a rod and since that time, I have had very limited pain. So after multiple surgeries and almost 4 years of on and off physical therapy, I finally experienced the "healing" I knew God would provide. My legs will never be perfect and I am still limited but the pain that I used to experience on a daily basis is no longer there!

Today I woke up thinking about where I was 5 years ago. Thinking back, imagining the horror of that accident (even though I don't remember it) and the grueling pain (which I will never forget) always makes me sad. But to realize that that actually happened to me and I am here to talk about is nothing short of miraculous and that makes me so thankful. As a 22 year old, I had much different plans of how I would spend the next 5 years of my life, and as a newlywed no less. But instead, God allowed this event which took us down a different course and brought us to where we are today. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. I praise God for what He has done for me. As I spent the day with my sweet baby girl, I kept thinking, because He let me live, I am able to experience the beauty of motherhood and the love of this precious baby and for that I will be eternally grateful! Now as one storm has passed, we are in the face of another. Despite what I have gone through since the accident, Kelsie's diagnosis has been much harder on me and tested my faith like never before. But I must continue to trust that God will take care of her. He has proven to work miracles in our lives before and I know He can do it again.

At the scene of the accident, 5-2-06
6 weeks after the accident
My last surgery and the most painful of all, Nov 2009

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