Thursday, May 19, 2011

How productivity happens....

Bouncy seat, high chair, crib mobile, boppy - some of my favorite "babysitters" which allow me to cook, clean, or do laundry and still entertain my sweet pea. Since she is holding herself up a little better now, I can now sit her up in her highchair while I get things together for dinner and that has worked out quite well. I, of course, make silly sounds and tell her all about what I'm making so that keeps her entertained as well! If meals are timed right, she will also sit in her highchair while we eat which is always nice.

She also LOVES her mobile so I usually try to sit her up in her crib to watch that a few minutes during the day while I throw in some laundry or pick up upstairs.  She also thinks its funny to watch me fold clothes so I prop her up on some pillows on the bed while I fold.  Besides that, I try to make the most of her naps doing housework and then spend as much time interacting with her as I can when she is awake.  I also try to squeeze in some blogging when possible. I don't want to give it up even though it can be quite time consuming because its the best way I've found to record the milestones in her life during this fun and exciting, but busy, time!

Well, hello little lamb

This monkey is so silly!
Sportin my skinny jeans

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