Friday, June 10, 2011

Changing every day!

Kelsie is 3 1/2 months old and we are seeing her change and develop everyday. Its hard to believe how much she has grown.  Over the past few weeks, she has started showing a lot more interest in her surroundings and is always trying to look around the room. She also is doing a lot more fine motor movements with her hands as well as gross motor movements with her arms and legs. Here are some new things she is doing now:

Chews on her hands - A LOT!
Sucks her thumb (but usually only when trying to get herself back to sleep or really hungry)
Reaches out to touch our faces
  - if i make a kissy face, she'll try to grab my lips, if a piece of my hair falls down, she'll try to grab it
Plays with my shirt or my face when I am feeding her
Tries to grab toys with 2 hands
Looks at books and reaches out to touch them
Kicks her arms and legs a lot when she is excited
  - makes big splashes in the tub! :)
Tries to sit up or stand up in your lap when shes being held
Holds her head up with no wobble (most of the time)
Holds herself up on her elbows when on her tummy
Trying to "talk" and making a lot more cooing sounds
  - when I'm holding her over my shoulder so she can see whats going on behind me, she has a lot to say! :)
Laughing more and more
  - at silly faces, funny noises, she loves the ceiling fan and it always makes her laugh
Today, we did  "ride a little horsey" and she laughed the most she ever has!!!

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